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Content Strategy, App Development, Design

UX Design & Content Strategy Impact Mobile Navigation

Laura Larkin
Traffic Manager

When users visit your website, one of the first things they’re going to look for is your navigation. If it doesn’t properly translate what you offer or where they can find out more about your business, they leave—and that bounce rate is as high as 67% on mobile.

Magellan, Mayhem, and Your Website

Years and years ago (it seems), people actually used maps to navigate. They used compasses to align their goals with their trajectory. If those resources didn’t work properly, or guided them in the wrong direction, or maybe (goodness forbid) NOT offered them the destination they were looking for, they would throw those implements away and find effective ones.

The same basic principle applies to your website navigation (cleverly named, yes?). When users visit your website, one of the first things they’re going to look for is your navigation. If it doesn’t properly translate what you offer or where they can find out more about your business, they leave—and that bounce rate is as high as 67% on mobile. If you clutter your navigation with excessive dropdowns and mega menus, we’ll guarantee… mayhem ensues!

67% of mobile users will leave a website if they are frustrated with the navigation.

So, what shall we do?

What This Means for Marketing

Website navigation is integral to success. It affects traffic and conversion rates, it drastically alters bounce rate and time spent on your site, and ultimately determines whether your website is helping or hindering you in growing your business. Here are a few things to consider when choosing options for your website navigation:

  • Use specific, concise options
  • Use dropdown menus sparingly and with purpose
  • Keep navigation options between 4-6 choices
  • Put them in order of a user’s journey

… And lastly, don’t get fancy with placement. Users expect the navigation to be housed in the same place on every website… BUT you could make it sticky!