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Digital Strategy

How Reusser Design Does Digital Discovery

Katie Hecox
Lead Digital Strategist

A digital discovery with our team helps identify areas of opportunity for your brand to grow and sets you up with a strategy to increase conversions, outrank competitors, and meet your specific goals.

So you have a website…now what?

As a business owner or leader in an organization, you’re familiar with the time and resources it takes to build a great website. Think about it for a minute: the extensive discovery process, identifying various team members to work on content writing and information gathering, actually executing those tasks, and the countless meetings associated with perfecting the website. But what if it’s all for nothing?


We know that’s not true, and we hope you know that’s not true—or else why would you put yourself through it? But it’s not uncommon for us to run into some classic questions after a site is launched. The following questions swirl around:

  • So…how do I actually get people to my website?
  • How do I know what people are doing once they’re on my site?
  • Why are people leaving without making a purchase?
  • Should I promote my website on social media? And if so, how?
  • My site has been live for 3 months and it’s still not showing up on Google!
  • What are my competitors doing that I should be doing?
  • Are my marketing dollars wasted on PPC ads?

And this list goes on and on. If any of these questions resonate with you, then a digital discovery with our team might be your next step. But what does the discovery include?

Research and Inventory Benchmarking

First things first: before we evaluate your brand’s digital presence, we take note of its current state. Using a combination of enterprise level auditing tools along with good old fashioned manual assessment, we compile technical issues, performance benchmarks, and social media inventories such as followers and engagement rate.

The research phase also includes an extensive discovery session with you, the client. You know your business best of all, so our initial discovery kickoff helps us align our research with your goals.

Competitive Landscape Evaluation

Discovering your brand is only half the battle. If you want to outrank competitors in search results, develop stronger name recognition, and become a trusted and engaging brand on social media, knowing and understanding your competition is a must. This is where we come in. You’re busy enough running a successful brand—leave it to us to determine strategies and tactics the competitors are using.

In this phase, we’ll take an objective deep dive into the competitive landscape and return with recommendations for you to implement as part of your overall marketing strategy. The goal isn’t to mimic your competitors, but to take what’s effective and turn it into something unique and personal to your brand.

Strategic Planning

Here’s where the real fun begins. Each discovery is unique, based on each client’s unique needs, but also based on the research and inventory benchmarking phase. What we find during the first phase helps guide and direct where our strategic planning efforts camp out.

In many instances, improving website SEO is a big ticket item. In this case, we’ll research industry trends and keywords to build a robust keyword glossary—this ties directly to content strategy recommendations and content production ideas (two other components of the strategic planning phase).

In addition to SEO, developing a social media strategy is usually hot on the list. The ideation that comes with this part of the discovery is a blast. Imagine Reusser’s digital team in a room, colorful pens and sticky notes, and usually fanciful charcuterie boards to fuel our energy—it’s insane and fun. It’s during this time that we define a social media goal, identify guiding characteristics of the brand on social media, and develop a calendar full of ideas and recommendations.

Benefits of a Digital Discovery

In addition to gaining research, competitor analysis, and strategic planning insights, you’ll also gain an entire team of digital strategists advocating for your brand. One of our favorite things about the digital discovery process is that we use a whole-team approach, meaning you’ll gain richer insights and stronger support during the discovery and long after. All in all, a digital discovery will benefit you in the following ways:

  • Mitigate risk: Putting yourself out there in a digital space can be risky and unsettling, especially if you haven’t put in the upfront work to truly know yourself and your competitors. This discovery answers those questions and puts you at ease.
  • Gain objective insight: We get it, it happens to us, too. Being so immersed in your brand can, at times, leave a blind eye to certain aspects of performance. We can step in and leave no stone unturned in order to highlight existing strengths and point out areas of growth and opportunity.
  • Make the most of your budget: Very rarely do brands have unlimited funds to spend on marketing efforts, and let’s be honest, sometimes marketing can feel like a shot in the dark. This discovery will flip the light switch on and make it easier to confidently step forward into the digital space.

Whether your website is 10 years old or 3 weeks new, this will help. And whether you’ve worked with us previously or are discovering us for the first time through this article, we’d love to start the conversation and move toward discovering a stronger digital presence for you and your brand.